Android 11 – erste Beta-Version steht zum Testen bereit – Es gab einige Verzögerungen bei der ersten Beta-Version aber bei der zweiten Beta hatte Google keine Probleme und ab sofort kann man diese zum Testen herunterladen. Nach Angaben im Entwicklerblog hat man vor allem die Plattform-Stabilität von Android verbessert und die Reaktionen weitgehend finaliiert. Im Original heißt es dazu:
Today we’re pushing out the second Beta of Android 11 for you to try. This release takes us to the Platform Stability milestone, which means that Android 11’s APIs and behaviors are finalized. For developers, it’s time to get started on your final compatibility updates and publish them in time for the official release later in Q3.
This week’s theme in #11 Weeks of Android is Android 11 Compatibility and we’ll be sharing helpful content and materials all week. You can find them on the #11 Weeks page or follow Android Developers on Twitter and Youtube.
Der Download ist kostenfrei hier möglich wenn man ein passendes Gerät (Google Pixel 2 oder neuer) hat und sich für das Beta-Programm anmeldet:
Die Beta-Version ist allerdings noch nicht für den produktiven Einsatz gedacht.
Die Veränderungen in Android 11
People: we’re making Android more people-centric and expressive, reimagining the way we have conversations on our phones, and building an OS that can recognize and prioritize the most important people in your life:
- Conversation notifications appear in a dedicated section at the top of the shade, with a people-forward design and conversation specific actions, such as opening the conversation as a bubble, creating a conversation shortcut on the home screen, or setting a reminder.
- Bubbles help users to keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking. Messaging and chat apps should use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this in Android 11.
- Consolidated keyboard suggestions let Autofill apps and Input Method Editors (IMEs) securely offer context-specific entities and strings directly in an IME’s suggestion strip, where they are most convenient for users.
- Voice Access, for people who control their phone entirely by voice,now includes an on-device visual cortex that understands screen content and context, and generates labels and access points for accessibility commands.
Controls: the latest release of Android can now help you can quickly get to all of your smart devices and control them in one space:
- Device Controls make it faster and easier than ever for users to access and control their connected devices. Now, by simply long pressing the power button, they’re able to bring up device controls instantly, and in one place. Apps can use a new API to appear in the controls. More here.
- Media Controls make it quick and convenient for users to switch the output device for their audio or video content, whether it be headphones, speakers or even their TV. You can enable this today from Developer Options, and it will be on by default in an upcoming Beta release. More here.
Privacy: In Android 11, we’re giving users even more control over sensitive permissions and working to keep devices more secure through faster updates.
- One-time permission lets users give an app access to the device microphone, camera, or location, just that one time. The app can request permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
- Permissions auto-reset: if users haven’t used an app for an extended period of time, Android 11 will “auto-reset” all of the runtime permissions associated with the app and notify the user. The app can request the permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
- Background location: In February, we announced developers will need to get approval to access background location in their app to prevent misuse. We’re giving developers more time to make changes and won’t be enforcing the policy for existing apps until 2021. More here.
- Google Play System Updates, launched last year, lets us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, and those 12 new modules will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers.
Developer friendliness: We want to make it easy for developers to take advantage of the new release, so to make compat testing easier, we’ve:
- Gated most breaking changes until you target Android 11 (so they won’t take effect until you explicitly change your manifest)
- Added new UI in developer options to let you toggle many of these changes for testing
- added a new Platform Stability release milestone where all API and behavior changes will be complete, so you can finalize your app updates knowing the platform is stable.
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Technikaffin seit den Zeiten von Amiga 500 und C64 – mittlerweile aber eher mit deutlichem Fokus auf die Bereich Mobilfunk und Telekommunikation. Die ersten Artikel im Telco Bereich habe ich bereits 2006 geschrieben, seit dem bin ich dem Thema treu geblieben und nebenbei läuft mittlerweile auch noch ein Telefon- und Smartphone Museum um die Entiwcklung zu dokumentieren.