„Dark Herring“ – neue Malware versteckt sich in 500 Android Apps – Das Sicherheitsunternehmen Zimperium hat eine neue Malware in vielen Android Apps im Play Store gefunden. Offensichtlich haben Kriminelle eine Möglichkeit gefunden, die Sicherheitssystem von Google zu umgehen und Apps mit Malware im Playstore zu platzieren. Betroffen sind 500 Apps und wohl um die 105 Milllionen Nutzer, die diese Apps installiert haben. Die Malware schädigt dabei an sich das Handy nicht, sondern bucht unbemerkt ein Premium-Abo und rechnet dieses über die Handyrechnung ab. Der Schaden wird dann erst sichtbar, wenn man die nächste Rechnung bekommt und auch nur, wenn man diese genau anschaut. Experten schätzen den Schaden auf viele Millionen US Dollar, genau Zahlen dazu gibt es noch nicht.
Mittlerweile wurde die Liste der betroffenen Apps veröffentlicht. Wer diese nutzt, sollte sie umgehend deinstallieren und die Handyrechnung prüfen. Es ist dazu ratsam eine Drittanbieter-Sperre einzurichten um solche Abrechnungen über die Handyrechnung nicht zu erlauben.
Bei zimperium schreibt man selbst zur Vorgehensweise von Dark Herring:
Nach der Infektion kommuniziert die mit Dark Herring infizierte Anwendung mit dem C&C-Server und gibt die IP-Adresse des Opfers preis. Basierend auf der Geolokalisierung der IP-Adresse wird die Entscheidung, ob das Opfer für ein Direct Carrier Billing-Abonnement ausgewählt werden soll oder nicht, mithilfe serverseitiger Logik getroffen. Die Malware leitet das Opfer auf eine geospezifische Webseite weiter, auf der es aufgefordert wird, seine Telefonnummern zur Überprüfung einzugeben. Aber in Wirklichkeit übermitteln sie ihre Telefonnummer an einen Direct Carrier Billing Service, der ihnen durchschnittlich 15 USD pro Monat in Rechnung stellt. Das Opfer bemerkt die Auswirkungen des Diebstahls nicht sofort, und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Abrechnung monatelang fortgesetzt wird, bevor es entdeckt wird, ist hoch, mit wenig bis gar keinen Mitteln, um sein Geld zurückzubekommen.
Die aktuelle Liste der betroffenen Apps laut Github
Package Name | App Name |
com.mixcrashing.smashex | Smashex |
com.upgrrdm.gradmup | Upgradem |
com.highstream.appstreamhd | Stream HD |
com.vibe.vidlyvibe | Vidly Vibe |
com.casstis.casiits | Cast It |
com.mytraslt.translpro | My Translator Pro |
com.nmg.newmgames | New Mobile Games |
com.strmcas.strmmpro | StreamCast Pro |
com.ulttistrm.strmultr | Ultra Stream |
com.exposure.photolabpro | Photograph Labs Pro |
com.vdoprolab.projjectlab | VideoProj Lab |
com.dsim.driversimulator | Drive Simulator |
com.speedlap.finalcarslap | Speedy Cars – Final Lap |
com.foootbal.legendsfutballl | Football Legends |
com.starbestfootball.footballhero | Football HERO 2021 |
com.grandmafiauto.gma | Grand Mafia Auto |
com.gmofftrack.offroadjeepgm | Offroad Jeep Simulator |
com.pro.smashexpro | Smashex Pro |
com.townrally.racingcity | Racing City |
com.combineapparatus.connectool | Connectool |
com.bussdriv.citydrivebusimu | City Bus Simulator 2 |
com.ggamml.labbgam | GameX Lab |
com.trasslat.prootrast | Translatley Pro |
com.proveditstation.vstudiopro | VStudio Pro |
com.provideos.airplaypro | Airplay Pro |
com.videoenterprise.videoprojector | Video Projector |
com.px.projxapp | Project X |
com.crashingking.kingcrashgame | Crash King |
com.picmkedit.pictasia | Pictasia |
com.day.drivingday | Driving Day |
com.wartpro.wallproart | WallpArt Pro |
com.roverproed.evoprodrivingrover | Evo Driving Rover Club Pro |
com.proconnector.boxconnector | Connector Box Pro |
com.appstain.spotvideos | Spot Videos |
com.recreational.prosovideogram | Social Videogram Pro |
com.exorbitant.ultrabooth | Ultra Hub |
com.primo.primogamesx | Box Play |
com.walpeex.wwallpro | Wallpex 4D Pro |
com.gentlewoman.blandfemenil | Femenil |
com.mobwallpex.apphdwallpexd | Wallpex 4D |
com.xvafflux.xstream | XStream |
com.monster.cinemonster | Cinemonster |
com.phottoni.phonnetic | Photonetic |
com.womanlike.femenilpro | Femenil Pro |
com.exoppi.piceexo | Exopic |
com.videya.videya | Videya |
com.lux.storylux | Storylux |
com.artcoonv.connvart | ARTconvention |
com.maggickey.keybbormag | Magic Keyboard 3d |
com.bmg.bestmobgames | Best Mobile Games |
com.grapphipar.parllergraph | Graphics Parlor |
com.avxinimitable.amzingvideosx | Amazing Videos X |
com.lakkibea.beatyllaki | Laki Beauty |
com.lion.lionvibe | Lion Vibe |
com.gps.gmpoitionplus | Gamepotion Plus |
com.prox.visaurix | Visuari Pro X |
com.investigate.proscanzyai | Scanzy Ai Pro |
com.lakiregimen.lakilifestyle | Laki Lifestyle |
com.hyppevdo.videeohyp | HypeVideo |
com.sppaysh.masshpy | SpyMash |
com.cinnbxpr.prrobxcinn | Cinema Box Pro |
com.gmfabricate.afourevogame | 4×4 Jeep Evo |
com.embellishment.smartdisplay | Smart Display |
com.lakkexp.expplaki | Laki Expression |
com.wallperhdbg.hdwallpabg | 4K Wallpapers & HD Background |
com.posterior.hipzwallpaper | Hipz Wallpaper |
com.ccphotospace.photoroomcc | Photoroom CC |
com.plusspring.streamifyplus | Streamify Plus |
com.baritejal.retouch | Touch-RetouchApp Pro |
com.hollflx.flxxholl | HoloFlix |
com.mcity.madfightciry | Mad City |
com.procollection.progamescollection | Pro Games Collection |
com.evagamea.appgame | ألعاب إحترافية |
com.highestmotorjeep.topjeepsimulator | Top Jeep Simulator |
com.eventualboard.keyboardthreed | Ultimate Keyboard 3D |
com.tvfoot.football | Football TV |
com.gamedriving.busdriving | Bus Driving Simulator |
com.simulatorapps.pssimulator | PS Simulator |
com.simulatorgame.truckgame | Truck Simulator Online |
com.autostealing.autotheftmobile | Auto Theft Mobile |
com.mpubs.mpbussimulator | Ultra Bus Simulator 2021 |
com.appsalvage.irescue | Irescue |
com.mytvsports.sportv | Sports TV |
com.srmote.remotesmart | Smart Remote |
com.imageres.restoreimg | Image Restore |
com.prodasharenlink.connectoolpro | Connectool Pro |
com.cameraboost.procamera | Camera Booster Pro |
com.apphotowallplace.wallpexistudio | Wallpix studio |
com.smartlocker.lockerapp | Smart Locker |
com.applusphotolook.faceappplus | Faceapp Plus |
com.lakiwomensapp.lakiladystyleapp | Laki Lady Style |
com.smartappshop.connectlyplus | Connectly Plus |
com.versatilesport.livesport | Live Sport |
com.jayahir.udsp | Ultimate Driving Simulator Pro |
com.xpixsuite.imgsuiteapp | PixSuiteX |
com.advturbo.driveturboadv | Turbo Drive |
com.drivingfuriousgold.furiousdrivinggold | Furious Driving Gold |
com.driveslator.crazysimulatordrive | Driving Simulator |
com.planeflightsimu.flightair | Flight Simulator |
com.plusscanapps.scannifyplusapp | Scannify+ |
com.jeeppro.simulatorv2 | Jeep Simulator Pro Plus |
com.ultra21.league | Ultra League 21 |
com.plustonealteration.voicechangerplus | Voice Changer Plus |
com.pchahat.flightsimu | Flight Simulator 21 |
com.conncte.myconncmix | Connecte |
com.ftbltv.sports | Football Sports TV |
com.advgamesapp.progameslatest | Progames21 |
com.soccerproducepro.proevolutionfootball | Pro Evolution Football 2022 |
com.pluscarsimpetus.superspeedycarsplus | Super Speedy Cars Plus |
com.urusproed.evoprodrivingurus | Evo Driving Urus Club Pro |
com.leaguesoccerapp.footballleaguett | Football League 22 |
com.elitesoccer.proleaguesc | Elite Soccer League Pro |
com.advsoccer.fifasoccer | Fi-Fa 2021 |
com.megaswitch.mswitcherapp | Mega Switch |
com.recaccapps.accountrecovery | Account Recovery |
com.countrycar.opulencedriving | Country Car 2021 Opulence Driving Game |
com.gamesx.wegaming | WeGaming |
com.gloriousvideos.vipshoof | Shoof VIP شوف |
com.mixx.doomixapp | Doomix |
com.rio.leakedvideos | Leaked Videos |
com.suitability.meetme | Meet Me |
com.garri.gamified | Gameified |
com.funvideos.play | .online FunHub Videos |
com.hub.vibeshub | Vibes Hub |
com.piixcco.pixiicoon | Pixicon |
com.gammeyal.yalleggame | Game Yale |
com.poccketub.tubbpock | Pocket Tube |
com.procombom.mixprocombo | Combo Pro |
com.vidworldapp.streamric | Streamric |
com.pluspro.femenilpro | Femenil Pro Plus |
com.pinnox.fllixpino | PinoFlix |
com.photolab.labx | Photograph Labs X |
com.plex.movieplex | Movie Plex |
com.mokknz.mobbknz | Mobikinz |
com.lakkiliff.lkliffstyle | Laki Lifestyle |
com.vubbhub.hubvueb | Vube Vue Hub |
com.gametenement.gamezeonpro | GameZeon Pro |
com.vddoppr.prrovddio | Vube Vue Pro |
com.strnow.appstreamnow | StreamNow Pro |
com.provideocurtain.videoprojpro | VideoProj Pro |
com.collrkle.sprkcolr | Color Sparkle |
com.promixeditor.editorboxpro | Editor Box Pro |
com.cinnmma.vidcinema | Cinema 3D |
com.zavidamaz.amazevideoza | Amazing Videoza |
com.editorpicture.picsify | Picsify |
com.deepovd.vddodpp | DeepVideo |
com.iboxapp.boxvideogame | I.Box |
com.speedaccumulation.storagebooster | Storage Booster |
com.rherorace.racehero | Racing Hero 3 |
com.managefidelity.wifiunlocker | WiFi Unlocker |
com.proswitchface.refacepro | Reface Pro |
com.appsoftech.adrenalineriderspro | Adrenaline Riders Pro |
com.racinghead.racemasters | Race Masters |
com.guidefollow.followersguide | Followers Guide |
com.restoreall.allvideophoto | Restore : All deleted Photos & videos |
com.plusfinalbang.ultimateshotplus | Ultimate Shot + |
com.astrohoro.hrvideosapp | برجي اليوم |
com.carspeedfinal.speedycarsfinallap | Speedy Cars : Final Lap 2 |
com.warzonea.zoneactionapp | WarZone |
com.soccercommodore.captainfootball | Captain Football 21 |
com.ludosoulmate.ludoyar | Ludo Yar |
com.xflixonase.pinoflixx | Pino Flix X |
com.advtruck.realtruckadv | Real Track Driver 2.0 |
com.mehulvarli.cookingsimulator | Cooking Simulator 2 |
com.picsia.picplustasia | Pictasia Plus |
com.wallywal.walpwally | Wall.ly |
com.stream.streamdream | Stream Dream |
com.photoornamentation.pixels | Pixels |
com.amazzihd.hdamvdopl | Amazing videos HD Plus |
com.jayahir.taxicity | Taxi City 2 |
com.ykbhayatand.supercar | Super Car 2 |
com.voxifyultra.ultramixapp | Voxify Ultra |
com.phottiq.pottedit | Photiqa |
com.korespilplus.ultraplus | Kørespil Ultimativt Plus |
com.videomakereditor.filmmakereditorpro | Film Maker & Video Editor Pro |
com.cinnemoz.mozzcinem | Cinemoza |
com.amazzeff.effecamz | Amazing Effects |
com.advspartan.lastwareadv | Spartan: The last war |
com.attunemeter.soundio | Soundio |
com.zoomcamera.hdcameraapp | HD Zoom Camera |
com.xplusrivulet.xstreamplus | XStream Plus |
com.crdvid.cornvidy | CornVideos |
com.smartappshop.streamnow | Stream Now |
com.hackineryapp.wifihackerapp | Wifi Hacker |
com.propachisicircle.ludoproclub | Ludo Pro Club |
com.streaming.bestvideo | Best Video Streaming |
com.hyppxpro.prohypex | Hypexa Pro |
com.enterttai.entnhub | Entertainment Hub |
com.piclab.photositylab | PhotoSity Lab |
com.playeffusion.playflux | PlayFlux |
com.cityproracea.racingcitypro | Racing City Pro |
com.femiman.wonon | Feminon+ |
com.garri.plexxy | Plexxy |
com.hugegplay.supermplay | Super M-Play |
com.highfivegames.gamesboxhighfive | GamesBox H5 |
com.editorworld.cartoonphotoeditor | Cartoon Photo Editor |
com.tube.magisto | Tube Magisto |
com.driveinstruction.trainingdrivers | Training Drivers |
com.gmshiftpacts.driftinglegends | Drifting Legends |
com.ammazzvdo.vdeoozon | Amazing videos Zone |
com.hubstream.videohubapp | StreamHub |
com.strream.strmzzio | Streamzio |
com.vidz.videgou | Videgou |
com.universecinema.cinemaworld | Cinema World |
com.promobileclean.turbocleanerpro | Turbo Cleaner Pro |
com.video.videodo | VideoDo |
com.videohotness.videoboompro | VideoBoom Pro |
com.complicacy.puuzzle | Puuzzle |
com.astoundingvidz.amazingvstream | Amazing Videos Stream |
com.livetraceme.trackmelive | TrackMe Live |
com.pluspixiesky.imageplus | PixieSky+ |
com.threedtypewriter.kikaemojikeyboard | Kika Emoji Keyboard 3D |
com.proappboxplus.ultraboxproplus | Ultra Box Pro Plus |
com.apphosphoricwork.photographstudio | Photograph studio |
com.bigcargo.bigsimulator | Big Cargo Simulator |
com.topmogames.mobilegme | Top Mobile Games |
com.leagueplus.shplus | Shooter League Plus |
com.phoedit.pixedit | Pixelen |
com.streamclubapp.buttonclubapp | Stream Button Club |
com.msmsmartapps.smartmessengers | Smart Messenger – Text Messages |
com.datchatmatch.lovechatdateapp | Love Chat |
com.hhyypexl.liivehypx | Hypexa Live |
com.bestexcellentvids.amazingvids | Amazing videos |
com.arvid.arvideosx | ARVideos X |
com.proshowgaming.gamingpro | Gaming Pro |
com.upbeat.videostation | UpBeat Video Station |
com.promovies.hubtvmovie | Movie TV HUB Pro |
com.pixsuiteapp.imagesuite | PixSuite |
com.sbl.steamblive | Stream Button Live |
com.prolaboratory.provideolab | Provideo Lab |
com.streampro.stmeopro | Streameo Pro |
com.advmonster.derbytruckmonster | Monster Truck Derby |
com.bikedriveapp.turbobike | Turbo Bikes |
com.gramettapps.programeapp | Progame22 |
com.ebhumi.citymafia | City Mafia |
com.appmessages.lavalmessages | Laval Messages |
com.mega.megagames | Mega Games |
com.loharchetan.connectifyulltra | Connectify Ulltra |
com.meconnectsapps.connectmeapp | ConnectMe |
com.fussinlliv.llivfussin | Fusingly Live |
com.boardpachisi.ludogames | Ludo Games |
com.appx.videoapp | Video App |
com.bcam.beautycam | Beauty Cam |
com.recoveryapp.plusapprc | Recovery Plus |
com.myevo.evomygames | Evogame |
com.unlockmastapp.masterunlocker | Master Unlocker |
com.wallypro.hdprowally | HD Wally Pro |
com.plusmovies.appcinema | Cinema Plus |
com.artcreation.storymakerart | Story Maker: Insta, Whatsapp Art Maker |
com.movvie.movnext | Movie Next |
com.proracingcontest.racingstreetpro | Racing Streets Pro |
com.hstream.hdstreammix | HD Stream |
com.kaduanvay.flipfitness | Flip 2 Fit |
com.interhub.videos | InterHub Videos |
com.proboxcinemax.cinemaboxprox | Cinema Box Pro X |
com.exoopicc.proopicexo | Exopic Pro |
com.advconstruction.simulator | Construction City 5 |
com.vid.bestvid | BestVid |
com.airhockey.xtremehockey | Air Hockey Xtreme |
com.stream.streamzia | Streamzia |
com.homestudioapps.xsuperstudio | Super Studio |
com.fanaticgames.doomixultra | Doomix Ultra |
com.prosignalstrength.wifiboosterpro | WIFI Booster Pro |
com.adwmanvrb.adwwar | Humans VS Robots |
com.constructionsite.simulator | Construction Site Truck Simulator |
com.videos.flexivideos | Flexi Videos |
com.upgames.startgamespro | Upstart Gaming Pro |
com.svquickmob.quicksaverapp | Quick Saver |
com.pixoverpr.prowallpaper | Pixover Pro |
com.plusfreewifi.wififreedomplus | Wifi Freedom Plus |
com.apsongsplayer.musicdownloader | Music Downloader |
com.phtotorenovate.transformllyplus | Transformlly+ |
com.myexcavator.trucksimulator | Excavator Truck Simulator |
com.effectholo.gramholoeffect | 3D Hologram |
com.fun.pubfungames | PubFun Games |
com.constellationvidz.galaxytube | Galaxy Tube |
com.smash.smashgamesx | Smash Games X |
com.dfunlimited.driveffastunlimited | Drive Fast Unlimited |
com.legendsoccersapp.footballlegendstztt | Football Legends 2022 |
com.pchahat.zombieswar | Zombies War 2 |
com.proconundrum.puzzlelypro | Puzzlely Pro |
com.truuckpls.truckdriver | Truck Driver+ |
com.deppffac.facddlab | DeepFace Lab |
com.esports.gsnitch | G-Snitch |
com.changervoice.voicifyapp | Voicify |
com.prointerpretme.translatemepro | TranslateMe Pro |
com.familytarcker.locatorgpstracker | Family Locator & GPS Tracker |
com.appsfidility.wifiunlockerpro | WiFi Unlocker Pro |
com.advfarming.simulator | Farm Village |
com.croudrun.stickmanrun | Crowd Run: Stickman Running |
com.prodigitalview.videostpro | Videost Pro |
com.uconmetranslate.translatemeapp | Translate Me |
com.appestomaker.magistovideomaker | Magisto : Video Maker And Editor Guide |
com.mehulvarli.huntinghero | Hunting Hero Pro |
com.factiongame.gamepotionpack | GamePotion Pack |
com.profocalvideo.provideohubpro | Provideo Hub Pro |
com.proeditfrontlook.faceproplus | Faceapp Pro+ |
com.vidstreamhd.kvidstream | 4K Stream |
com.vidz.videal | Videal |
com.apptransliterate.translatelyplus | Translately Plus |
com.mixmegaapp.gamevideo | Mega Mix |
com.increaad.zonnvdinccr | Incredible Videos Zone |
com.proscanapps.scannifyproapp | Scannify Pro |
com.joyexultation.joytacticspremuim | Joy Tactics Premium |
com.graphphoto.libphoto | Photograph Labs Live |
com.modifyvideos.videoeditory | Video Editory |
com.magkeyplus.plluskeymagic | Magic Keyboard 3D Plus |
com.awsmvideostract.amazvideoszone | Amazing Videos Zone |
com.promatchyru.matchymatchpro | Matchy Match Pro |
com.enjoyableark.funbox | Fun Box |
com.akbustour.toursimulator | Bus Tour Simulator |
com.emittergames.gamesboxalpha | Gamesbox Alpha |
com.ebhumi.sniperpro | Pro Sniper 3D |
com.gamezotwone.mixtwone | Gamezo 2021 |
com.plusphotocomposition.photolabplus | Photo Lab + |
com.appourenlink.weconnect | WeConnect |
com.wifpassun.wifipwdunapp | WiFi : Password Unlocker |
com.maxproplus.volumelypluspro | Volumely Plus Pro |
com.vvfy.vivifyly | Vivify |
com.tsadw.towerswitchle | Tower Switchle |
com.pflixxvideo.pinoflixx | Pinoflixx |
com.msggpro.promsgapp | Messages Pro |
com.games.gamesaddict | Games Addict |
com.quickcatchup.smartdetector | Smart Detector |
com.minimarble.ballmhero | Mini Marble Ball Hero |
com.appchildcops.kidspolice | Kids Police – Prank App |
com.muusichub.hubbmusc | MusicHub |
com.proartimpact.picseffectpro | Pics Effect Pro |
com.billaidsarena.royalleague | Billiards Royal Arena |
com.scancyr.scanneraipluss | Scanner Ai Plus |
com.ultraapp.ultraproapp | Ultra Pro |
com.finestream.videolife | Video Life |
com.gammeeply.playgamme | Games2learn |
com.vibevue.vibelabapp | Vibe Vue Lab |
com.wallaeste.appaestetic | Aestetic Wall |
com.keyboardpix.keybthreed | Keyboard 3D Pix |
com.measuresmartgt.smartmeasureapp | Smart Measure |
com.vstream.streamingvideogame | V Stream |
com.faceartapp.arteditor | FaceArt |
com.qclipsplay.quickplayclips | Clips |
com.empireappwallpaper.wallempireapp | Wallempire |
com.loharchetan.spaceinvaders | Space Invaders 3D |
com.intermixvoxi.voxifi | Voxifi |
com.sttremliv.liivestrm | Stream Live |
com.knowledgeapp.langaugeworld | Language World |
com.wifimaster.wifikeypro | Wifi Master Key Pro |
com.video.cosmovideo | CosmoVideo |
com.aggravationgame.zanzaro | Zanzaro |
com.trendttik.trendingtoktik | Trending Tok |
com.onlinemovies.streamingmovie | Online Movies Streaming |
com.mymixabox.mixgamevideo | Mixabox |
com.provpastime.funhubprovideos | Fun Hub Pro Videos |
com.vdoodriv.drrvlivdo | Video Drive Live |
com.femecovert.apphiya | Hiya |
com.vivision.appvision | Video Vision |
com.spearheadball.proheadball | Pro Head Ball 22 |
com.instanttrans.trasnlatorpro | Instant Translator Pro |
com.translator.aitranslatorplus | AI Translator + |
com.commbmix.promicomm | ComboMix Pro |
com.promixcombine.iconnectpro | iconnect pro |
com.plusha.hckingapp | Hacking Plus |
com.vidvibe.lionvibepro | Lion Vibe Pro |
com.jockeyvictory.horsechampionship | Horse Championship |
com.casingamb.realgamcasn | Casino – Gambling |
com.guardbox.maxguardapp | Max Guard |
com.appsoftech.tankwar | Tanks War 3D |
com.unlivideos.vidoesunapp | Unlimited Videos |
com.viibeshub.hubbvipro | Vibes Hub Pro |
com.viewmusicvideos.songtv | Song TV |
com.gmstartgames.gosports | Go Sports |
com.postformation.postorymaker | Postory Maker |
com.hadiwaterdeluxe.waterpuzzle | Water Puzzle Deluxe 2022 |
com.spacesaver.spacemanager | Space Saver |
com.monstruck.mtruckunity | Monster Truck |
com.vdzngmjoinpro.connectpro | Connect Pro |
com.wallpaperfy.klivepaper | 4K Live Wallpaper |
com.ur.urvids | URVids |
com.proappmuscularity.fitlifepro | Fit Life Pro |
com.footballgtop.topsoccershots | Star Soccer Pro |
com.mytruck.simulatorgar | Garbage Truck Simulator |
com.promixextent.megamixpro | Mega Mix Pro |
com.vidx.smartvid | SmartVid |
com.mhdcbmax.simulatormax | Urban Simulator 1 |
com.beesttvd.vddotubbes | Best Video Tube |
com.vidsports.sportsexvidz | Ex Sports Online |
com.wasaverstory.storysaverwaapp | Story Saver – WA |
com.games.gamingx | Gaming X |
com.soccerspeciality.golazohighlights | Golazo -HD Football Highlights |
com.carmurmurous.carrbuzzpro | CarrBuzz Pro |
com.pipecenter.tubebooth | Tube Booth |
com.footballtv.livefootball | Football TV Live |
com.appblockpuzzle.blockpuzzlepro | Block Puzzle Pro |
com.confidentialnotes.cryptoly | Cryptoly |
com.proattireartifice.makeupartpro | Makeup Art Pro |
com.livefootbstr.streamlivefootball | Live Football Stream |
com.appcuisine.foodiepro | Foodie Pro |
com.springnavel.streamhub | Stream Hub |
com.hubvidlength.vidmaxihub | Vidmaxi Hub |
com.protellconvey.translatorypro | Translatory Pro |
com.ent.entertainmentx | Entertainment X |
com.lakibeauty.healthlakiapp | Laki-Beauty & Health for Women |
com.basketball.herotwtwo | Basketball Hero 22 |
com.tutoralhk.hktwoapp | Hacking Tutorials 2 |
com.prowallincalculable.wallultrapro | Wall Ultra Pro |
com.jackgaming.madskatecity | Mad Skate City |
com.breedingrage.harvestfrrenzee | AR/E5T FRRE ZEE |
com.cryptbitoro.bitorocryptoapp | Bitoro |
com.demonlorrymounter.monstertruckriders | Monster Truck Riders |
com.gmjetaircraft.airgames | A1RRGA E5 |
com.immediatechange.instanttranslator | Instant Translator |
com.kitysnak.matchkitty | Match |
com.agappgame.worlgamesworlds | Wor1d |
com.kidsvidminime.minimevideos | Videos |
com.proparaphraser.livetranslatorpro | Live Translator Pro |
com.imageinterpreter.phototranslator | Photo Translator |
com.lifesosemergency.lifesaversospro | LifeSaver SOS Pro |
com.feeplusflow.flowfeeplusapp | FlowFee Plus |
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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 29. Januar 2022
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Technikaffin seit den Zeiten von Amiga 500 und C64 – mittlerweile aber eher mit deutlichem Fokus auf die Bereich Mobilfunk und Telekommunikation. Die ersten Artikel im Telco Bereich habe ich bereits 2006 geschrieben, seit dem bin ich dem Thema treu geblieben und nebenbei läuft mittlerweile auch noch ein Telefon- und Smartphone Museum um die Entiwcklung zu dokumentieren.