Samsung Galaxy S3: Verkaufsstart in 28 Ländern – Erste Testberichte aus Amerika schwappen herüber

Der 29. Mai ist endlich da und die wartenden Vorbesteller sollten mittlerweile theoretisch ein Samsung Galaxy S3 in den Händen halten. Einige zukünftige Besitzer müssen sich noch geduldigen, denn mittlerweile hat Amazon eine Lieferverzögerung von 1 bis 3 Wochen bei manchen Kunden angekündigt. Ebenso wird gemunkelt, dass Samsung wohl Produktionsprobleme bei der blauen Variante gehabt haben soll und deswegen die Veröffentlichung einige Tage verzögert wird. Nichtsdestotrotz sollten auch die ersten Netzbetreiber das neue High-End-Smartphone im Angebot haben und auch die lokalen Elektronikläden wie Saturn und MediaMarkt haben den heutigen Tag als als voraussichtlichen Verkaufsstart angegeben.

Um die Wartezeit etwas zu verkürzen und um potentielle Käufer einen ersten Eindruck zu verschaffen, haben die amerikanischen Kollegen das neue Samsung-Flaggschiff bereits unter die Lupe genommen. Die großen Blogs und Nachrichtenportale haben ihre ausführlichen Testberichte veröffentlicht und ihre Meinung auch in den ersten Video-Reviews gepackt.

Die Kollegen von MobiFlip haben eine nette Sammlung von Zitaten und Videos zusammengestellt, die wir hier mal übernehmen wollen:

One thing that goes consistently overlooked with respect to Samsung’s phones is the company’s ignominious track record with Android software updates. There may be worse offenders out there, but Samsung’s chronic failure to update its devices on time is a significant black mark for a brand looking to lead the way in almost every other respect. Thus, as much as I may enjoy the Galaxy S III today, I have to temper that enthusiasm with the knowledge that its long-term future may not be as rosy as that of a stock Android device or one produced by HTC.

Vlad Savov für The Verge

The worst thing about the GS III? No matter how hard it tries, it just isn’t greater than the sum of the HTC One X’s parts. That’s not to say it falls short, but merely to emphasize that times have changed since last year’s Galaxy S II, which landed on an unsuspecting world that was largely devoid of predators. The Snapdragon variant of the One X has similar computing power, battery life and photographic credibility, but it also has a much better user interface that sticks more closely to the guiding ethos of Android 4.0. The One X also has a more forward-looking physical design, while the GS III clings to the tried and true styles of old. Perhaps the biggest sacrifice you’d make by going for the One X over the GS III is the loss of the cheap storage offered by the microSD card. That’s a painful thing to give up, but given how deeply we feel about the need for Android to move forward and not get stuck in a Gingerbread-flavored groundhog day, we might just take the hit.

Sharif Sakr für Engadget

Phrases like “best ever smartphone” are overplayed: the market moves so fast, for a start, and the range of sizes and features out there mean what may be a key priority for you might be a minor quibbling point for someone else. Still, if your phone has become your multimedia and entertainment hub; if you love a sizable display for gaming, browsing, navigation and multimedia; if you demand high-quality photos and video without bulk; and if you want to future-proof yourself over the typical two-year contract, then the Galaxy S III delivers all that in spades. We’ve a feeling Samsung will discover those are key motivators for many, many buyers, and they’re unlikely to be disappointed with the Galaxy S III.

Chris Davies für SlashGear

But the reason the Galaxy S3 is half a star away from perfection is there is still room for improvement here. Whether it could be achieved without a massively adverse effect on cost, we don’t know, but there are some things that could be added on future models to make it impossible to not buy. If the Samsung Galaxy S3 had landed with a premium metallic shell, in the same vein as the HTC One S for instance, any question of design standards would have been obliterated. And that camera could be a little better – it’s perfectly fine, nay, decent now, but there’s still the opportunity to make one of the best cameras on the market there.

Gareth Beavis für TechRadar

With the Galaxy S3, Samsung hasn’t messed with its formula much, recognising that slick design and a gorgeous screen were the secret to the Galaxy S2′s success. The S3′s oval shape may not be an instant eyeball grabber but those pebble-like curves are made to caress the digits that are holding it. To this enticing design, Samsung has added an upgraded engine — making a phone that’s pretty much unrivalled in the speed and power stakes right now. On the down side, the TouchWiz interface is occasionally frustrating, and Samsung’s app offerings don’t always hit the mark. These minor software concerns aside, the S3 will undoubtedly be one of the year’s most important gadgets. There are very few phones that come close to matching Apple’s premium, luxurious feel, but with the S3, Samsung has got closer than anyone.

Luka Westaway für Cnet

Honestly, i’m speechless. I love everything about the Samsung Galaxy S3. It’s modern, it’s human and it’s closest to being perfect that I think a smartphone could ever be. To see Android having come this far, leaves me in awe. It’s display is the best I have ever witnessed – better than the Galaxy Nexus, HTC One X, iPhone 4S, or that of any mobile device I have ever laid eyes on. Its speed and fluidity of operation are unrivaled, and near instantaneous. Despite its relativley large size, it is remarkably well balanced in the hand, and feels fantastic to the touch. It is, in my opinion, the best Android device – no – the best Smartphone – ever created.

Randy Khoo für Android Authority


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